About Us

Our Mission
to gather ten million individuals in a Unified Field of Consciousness to meditate for world peace. Our special focus is on world leaders so they can lead our planet with greater awareness and integrity into peace and harmony.
MarBeth Dunn
According to MarketWatch, “Renowned Meditation Expert MarBeth Dunn, with her nearly 40 years of experience teaching meditation, peace, and miracles, has demonstrated the power of meditation and unified consciousness to reduce violence in many parts of the globe, and she is committed to bringing about greater peace and love to our leaders at all levels of government.”
A spiritual teacher for over 35 years, MarBeth is an Intuitive Energy Management Specialist and Miracles Mentor who supports and helps highly sensitive, empathic professionals manage their energy so they can ditch the drama and live happy, peaceful, prosperous lives. Her holistic approach incorporates energy healing, spiritual principals, empowerment training, mind expansion, yoga, and QiGong. She provides individual and group counseling for those who may benefit from energy management.
MarBeth is the award-winning creator of the World Miracle Peace Experiment, which correlated with a 20% drop in Middle East violence in 2018. According to Digital Journal, ”Her expertise and experience in meditation, personal development, and peacebuilding are truly inspiring.”
Her inspiring work has been featured on several television networks, including FOX, NBC, CBS, and The CW.
You can learn more about MarBeth at www.MarBethDunn.com.
Teri Angel
Welcome to my world! I am Teri Angel, the founder of a nonprofit corporation, Angelspeakers Inc, whose mission is education on peace and environmental issues. I have traveled the country (US) extensively over the last few years speaking and holding ceremonies to open up the land to more cohesiveness in communities.
I am a Certified Happiness Life Coach, Death Doula, Business Coach, best-selling author, spiritual teacher and mentor, and a motivational speaker. I became a peace ambassador in 2014 with the Global Peace and Prosperity Initiative.
Some of my online offerings including daily Morning Cuppa Joy (a gathering around the coffee table each morning) as well as The Peapod podcast on Tuesday afternoons, which are all syndicated on Enlightened World Network and simultaneously broadcast onto YouTube. I also am an avid daily blogger with messages downloaded from the angelic realm. Website: angelspeakers.com.