World Peace

7 Minutes a Day to
Change the World

Join us and Receive a FREE Meditation Audio: Finding Peace Within

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  * February Energy Reset Ritual *

Register for our 3 Master Healing Circle Feb 1st
and receive a Love & Grace Energy Reset Ritual – to release blocks, restore balance, and welcome Unconditional Love into your life!


 Join our Monthly Meditation for World Peace

Let’s meditate together for World Peace the first Saturday of the month on FaceBook and YouTube 1:11pm ET.  Bring  guests! ❤️

Monthly 3 Masters Healing Circle

Cultivate your inner peace through profound healing the first Saturday of every month after the meditation. Register here!

Weekly “Imagine Peace” Podcast

Enjoy our weekly interviews with enlightened Peace workers.

Most of us desperately desire world peace and a healthy planet.

Yet too many world leaders have other agendas. They aren’t listening and often choose power and profit over the health and happiness of their people.

Join us to meditate for our monthly world peace meditation at 1:11 PM Eastern.

To be a part of this mission, please click the Join Us button so we can send reminders about the meditations, and offer uplifting PEACE PRACTICES in our newsletter. You make a difference – thank you!

Our meditations are the first Saturday of the month.

About Our

Peace Mission

Two powerful spiritual teachers, MarBeth Dunn and Teri Angel have joined forces to create Ten Million for World Peace.

Our mission is to gather 10 million individuals in a Unified Field of Consciousness to meditate for world peace. Our special focus is on world leaders, so they can lead the planet with greater awareness and integrity into peace and harmony.
Learn more about our co-founders MarBeth and Teri. 

 Meditation helps reduce violence! Check out the statistics from our World Peace Meditation Challenge September 1 – 21, 2023

Why Group Meditations Work


Scientific breakthroughs have shown that we have energy fields that extend far beyond our physical bodies. In addition to having an energetic component, we have the ability to intentionally unite with others in a unified field of consciousness that can affect everyone.

And when hearts and minds are joined, miracles can happen.


…Significant reductions in violence


A similar experiment in Washington, D.C. saw a significant reduction in violent crimes in 1993. John Hagelin, a renowned Quantum Physicist, set up the experiment to show how simple it is to reduce crime and social stress with the power of meditation. He explains that, “We are all connected by a unified field of consciousness and that this field expresses infinite dynamic intelligence that is the basis of all of creation.”

In 2018, MarBeth Dunn created the World Miracle Peace Experiment, a daily 7-minute global meditation that united individuals in a Unified Field of Consciousness, promoting peace and love worldwide, with a special focus on the Middle East. Independent statistics from the ACLED, showed that during the six months of this experiment, the level of violence in the Middle East dropped a significant 20%.


Imagine when 10 million meditators gather for global peace!

Ways to


Join us now

and receive your FREE Meditation Audio: Finding Peace Within, inspiring Peace Practices, and up-to-date information on this global project


Ten Million for World Peace project with your friends!


This is a HUGE global project and we are all volunteers; 100% of all donations cover ongoing operating costs. We are a registered 501(c)(3) charity and all donations are tax deductible.


Have a skill or service you could offer? We need more volunteers to help us achieve our goals. Click this link to offer your services.


Become a Peace Partner by sponsoring one or more meditations


Enjoy our weekly Imagine Peace Podcast on YouTube.

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