When you search the web for projects on peace, you’ll see there are 69 million search results! That is an astonishing number. So, it seemed like a good idea to cover a few of the top projects to understand how much is going into generating peace.

World Peace Group & TM Meditation

Back in 1978, the WorldPeaceGroup.org  conducted the first world peace experiment which focused on creating what they called “Super Radiance.” By using an advanced form of Transcendental Meditation, a powerful positive energy wave radiates outward from the group to uplift people in nearby communities.

The goal was to create “windows of opportunity” to negotiate true, workable peace agreements. These 10-week-long experiments were conducted in five hot spots including Nicaragua, Lebanon, Iran, Cambodia, and Zimbabwe. Nothing was done to speak directly to or influence the governments of these countries.

There was a tremendous reduction in violence, especially dramatic in Zimbabwe which had ongoing combat, with an 81% drop in deaths during this period! This is according to the Conflict and Peace Data Bank which collected statistics at the time. In addition, the number of cooperative events increased by 115% at the same time.

Given these results, there is no question that group meditation focused on peace has a profound impact on people in surrounding areas.

The U.S. Institute of Peace

Founded by the U.S. Congress, the United States Institute of Peace is a non-partisan organization dedicated to a world without violent conflict. They idea consider peace to be essential for U.S. and global security. The Institute goes into high-conflict zones to partner with locals to not only prevent but also resolve violent disputes.

The group also works with governments to help them develop the ability to peacefully manage their own conflicts. Teaching skills that promote peace will help keep the peace in the long run.

When you visit the website, their home page is loaded with active projects currently underway. One that stood out is the Peace Day Challenge which was created to bring attention to the International Day of Peace. The Institute is promoting peace as a viable alternative to violence in the world.

Since 2015, the Peace Day Challenge has been observed in 148 countries, engaging schools, and organizations in their mission. To share this on social media they created the hashtag #PeaceDayChallenge.

One Billion Acts of Peace

Back in May of 2014, a campaign was launched with Google’s support to create change in everyone’s backyard. The foundation of their work is based on the idea that in every generation, the youth are the ones that promote change. Working with the 14 Noble Laureates, founders Dawn Engle and Ivan Suvanjieff have prompted 350 Youth Conferences, and 105,000 peace projects, and engaged 1.5 million youth in their efforts.

The Peace Laureates include the Dalai Lama, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Betty Williams, Rigoberta Menchu Tum, Jody Williams, and Kailash Satyarthi to name a few. This impressive and world-changing group created PeaceJam, a club template that can be used around the world, so young people can learn valuable skills to lead and generate change in their own backyards.

This group works on causes including advancing women and children, providing clean water, conflict resolution, ending racism and hate, and human rights for all among other powerful missions. Through these efforts, they are striving to create the next generation of Noble Peace Laureates.

Ready to Jump in for World Peace?

With so many powerful peace-making initiatives, it’s easy to imagine that world peace is possible and can become a reality. Will you join us at TenMillionForWorldPeace.org?

Here’s what you can do:

By Ronnie Ann Ryan
Ronnie Ann Ryan MBA, CCC, is an Intuitive Coach and Wise Woman who quickly zeros in on the heart of the matter. She offers practical solutions to business and life issues using her well-honed intuition, so you can enjoy a more balanced life. Also a Past Life Reader, Soul Intelligence Energy Healer, and Bestselling Author with six books, Ronnie hosts the popular podcast Breathe Love & Magic which made it to the top 10% globally! If you want the intuitive edge to find the magic in your business and life, visit https://IntuitiveEdge.biz