
Kathryn Davis’ Vision of Peace Has Lasting Impact

Kathryn Davis’ Vision of Peace Has Lasting Impact

Kathryn W. Davis, founder of Projects for Peace, demonstrates the profound impact one person’s commitment to peace can have on the world. Through her support for education, cultural exchange, and grassroots initiatives, she created opportunities for thousands of...

Gardening Helps You Cultivate Mindfulness and Inner Peace

Gardening Helps You Cultivate Mindfulness and Inner Peace

Finding inner peace can sometimes be a challenge. Amidst the hustle and bustle, many are turning to gardening as a method to develop tranquility and mindfulness. Gardening, with its blend of physical activity, connection to nature, and creative expression, offers a unique pathway to inner peace.

Here’s how tending to plants can become a therapeutic practice that nurtures both the body, mind, and soul.

The Tranquil Power of Water – Simple Practices for Inner Peace

The Tranquil Power of Water – Simple Practices for Inner Peace

Water has an incredible ability to soothe the mind and body, creating a sense of inner peace that is hard to match. From the calming sound of a babbling brook to the immersive experience of a warm bath, water plays a significant role in helping you relax and find tranquility. Let’s explore some of the ways water can help you achieve that much-needed calm.

Forest Bathing – A Beautiful Path to Inner Peace

Forest Bathing – A Beautiful Path to Inner Peace

Forest bathing or “Shinrin-yoku,” originated in Japan during the 1980s, encouraging people to spend time in a forest. The idea is to engage all your senses and be present in the moment. Unlike hiking or other physical activities, forest bathing is about slowing down and being mindful of the natural surroundings to restore mental and physical health.

Discover Inner Peace Through Breathwork

Discover Inner Peace Through Breathwork

There are many paths that can help you find greater inner peace including all kinds of meditation, exercise, and even doing something creative like painting. But there’s another powerful tool that many people are turning to today which is breathwork.

Every Awakening Adds To World Peace – GP Walsh Part 2

Every Awakening Adds To World Peace – GP Walsh Part 2

This is part 2 of an interview MarBeth Dunn and Teri Angel did with GP. Walsh, who is the Cofounder of Ohm School Incorporated. He is an author, speaker, and master spiritual teacher, who delivers a delightful mix of insight, divine inspiration, and humor. His work is...