
Every Awakening Adds to World Peace – GP Walsh Part 1

Every Awakening Adds to World Peace – GP Walsh Part 1

MarBeth Dunn and Teri Angel had the pleasure of interviewing GP Walsh, who is the Cofounder of Ohm School Incorporated. He is an author, speaker, and  master spiritual teacher who delivers a delightful mix of insight, divine inspiration, and humor. His work is where...

Indigenous Wisdom For Conflict Resolution & Reconciliation

Indigenous Wisdom For Conflict Resolution & Reconciliation

When it comes to finding creative solutions for long-standing conflicts and cycles of violence, there is much to be learned from Indigenous wisdom traditions around the world. While modern peacebuilding and conflict resolution practices are relatively new fields, Indigenous communities have been walking the path of nonviolence, restorative justice, and reconciliation for thousands of years.

What Is Your Idea Of Peace?

What Is Your Idea Of Peace?

When you think of peace, what images come to mind? Is it a quiet meadow or a contented smile? An absence of conflict or a presence of tranquility? The truth is, peace can mean different things to different people based on their circumstances and experiences. However,...

The Characteristics Of A Peaceful Personality

The Characteristics Of A Peaceful Personality

The pursuit of peace is a timeless endeavor that begins within the individual. A peaceful personality is not merely the absence of aggression or conflict but includes a range of traits and behaviors that foster harmony and understanding. Drawing from psychological...